Sunday, May 17, 2020

Divorce Is A Social Issue - 1774 Words

What is the modern family? Today the modern family is completely different then what it was twenty years ago. Today, it is more common to have a family with divorced parents, before divorce was seen as unacceptable and a disgrace to the family, but in today’s society, it is more acceptable, and common. Divorce does not just affect the two married people, but it also affects any children they may have. To fully understand how divorce affects children, one must the history of divorce, the changes in the child’s or children’s life, and the effects those changes may bring. Divorce is a rising social issue in the United States of America, but it is not a new concept. Divorce has been a social issue since at least 1867 when for every 35.9 marriages, one couple were to get a divorce (Huth, 1947). Although divorce is not a new concept, it has become more social acceptance which is raising the divorce rate over the years. Another controversial topic in divorce is when the two people divorcing have a child or children together. Approximately 150,000-200,000 children in the United States of America are affected by divorce yearly (Huth, 1947). Divorce is not just a tough situation for the couples getting the divorce; it also has a large effect on any children involved in the divorce. When children are involved in a divorce, the first major impact they have to face is that child or children involved in the divorce losses time with each of the parents. In a non-divorced family onShow MoreRelatedThe Social Issue: Divorce and Depression Essay example2673 Words   |  11 PagesIntroduction The Social Issue: Divorce and Depression Around the world divorce is common and known amongst different societies, some with higher rates than others. According to Irvin (2012), in America there is one divorce every 13 seconds. That’s 6,646 divorces per day, and 46,532 divorce per week. 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