Thursday, December 5, 2019

Business Communication Transformation

Question: Discuss about theBusiness Communication for Transformation. Answer: Introduction Nowadays one of the major concerns regarding the environment is proper maintenance of environmental sustainability. The particular literature review mainly consists of the principle of sustainability and required measures that must be taken for the sustainable growth. Environmental degradation refers a complicated process which involves alteration, transformation, loss of material from any one of the environmental elements (Jacques, 2015). Some journal articles and newspaper articles related to this topic will be discussed in the review. Two major emphases of the literature review are the root causes of environmental degradation and its impacts on environmental sustainability. If a country gives priority particularly on its economic growth, the results will be such as health risks, environmental degradation, global warming within the society. One of the most significant objectives of the literature review is to find out the required measures that will help in maintaining a proper balance between economic growth and environmental sustainability. Furthermore, the discussion will include two most applicable approaches to sustainable living. The improper balances including environmental changes are actually driven by too many factors (Menon, 2014). The factors are population growth, economic growth, intensification of agriculture, industrialisation and growing usage rate of energy and transportation. In the literature review, some research gaps will also be mentioned. Environmental sustainability including sustainable growth can be achieved through making the suitable connection between the society and economy. Environmental Sustainability Environmental sustainability can be defined as the rates of pollution creation, harvested renewable resources, and depletion of non-renewable resources that may be continued indefinitely. Environmental sustainability mainly suggests sustainable development that refers sustainable growth of the economy. According to a report of Tom Quinn, presently, demand for sustainable services and goods are booming across Australia also around the world. The writer also expressed the presence of an opportunity that is very crucial for Australia to make proper diversification of its exports and decrease its dependence on the commodities sector and volatile mining (Quinn, 2015). According to the writers findings, maintenance of some corporate social responsibilities such as dropping the utilisation of fossil fuels i.e. petroleum and coal, decrease the amount of disposing of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere as they are very harmful, promoting international collaboration for taking attempt to reduce greenhouse gases, are imperative. Green marketing means marketing of products that are assumed to be environmentally preferable to all the elements of an ecosystem. Green marketing is another considerable element suggested by Tom Quinn. Thus, green marketing incorporates the wide range of activities, including changes in the production process, product modification, modification of advertisements and sustainable packaging (Quinn, 2015). Two Major Aspects of Sustainable Living In the journal, Environmental Sustainability the author John Morelli has mentioned two major aspects of sustainable living i.e. preservation of biodiversity and increase the use of regenerative capacity. After carefully reviewing of the journal, authors viewpoint can be discussed clearly. According to the author, biodiversity is the differences and variety among all the living organisms from all sources, including marine, terrestrial and the other aquatic ecosystems and the environmental complexes of which they are a part (Morelli, 2011). The explanation also includes the diversity which is generic in nature between and within ecological systems and species. Thus, the real meaning of biodiversity can be represented for all life. Biodiversity is the disparity of life forms within a given ecological system or biome or for the entire Earth. John Morelli also stated that the biological diversity of the earth presently consists of the product of nearly 3.5 billion years of evolution of ma ny millions which contains distinct biological species of the earth. As per the authors findings, some drastic measures must be taken to protect biodiversity. The measures are the prevention of deforestation, environmental depletion and unnecessary usage of natural resources, decreasing water pollution and air pollution through reducing the emission of greenhouse gases and proper maintenance of ecological balance (Robertson, 2017). As per the authors research, the other considerable aspect of sustainable living increases in the use of regenerative capacity. According to the authors definition, the renewable resources are capable of natural and usual regeneration into some useful products within specific time duration which are relevant to man. e.g., clean water, clean soil, air, fauna and flora, etc. The author also included that the resources could be indefinitely available and potentially renewable, providing their capability to regenerate (Borole, 2015). Meanwhile, the resources should not be spoiled by human or natural activities. The author also found that once the resources get degraded beyond a certain dangerous point, the renewable resource may never pull through. John Morelli has pointed out some necessary steps which must be taken to promote usage of regenerative resources (Morelli, 2011). The necessary steps are, harvest rates of resources inputs which are renewable in nature must be kept within rege nerative capacities of natural systems that help in generating them. Besides, by produce products those are reusable and recyclable in nature, resources can be saved. On the other hand, developing and implementing transportation criteria which mostly prioritise transportation modes with low-impact, can be evident (Landrum, 2017). Simultaneously, the steps include innovative approaches to product management and product development decisions with required consideration of the major environmental effects of the product all the way through its life cycle (Carmona, 2009). The Role of Technology In the contemporary business environment, technology can be used as a vital element in solving environmental troubles across the world. Sharon Beder has pointed out the reason for using technology in this context in one of his article, The Role of Technology in Sustainable Development. As per the authors view, the reason can explain general unwillingness of the governments and those who suggest them to make the political and social changes. The changes would be necessary to decrease the growth of consumption as well as production (Blohmke, 2014). Technology is not an independent element because technology cannot shape by its own. Also, technology cannot control the impacts coming out of it. According to Sharon Beders findings, society has evolved with technologies. The development of technology influences the society including all the biological elements of the environment and vice-versa. Timely and right decision making in technological development is an important aspect. In another research, Beder evaluated the major factors leading towards sustainability. The interplay of the factors has been the cause of technological development. The factors are changing interest and self-image of the business, scientific discoveries, changing the need and demand of the consumers (Blohmke, 2014). Also, the factors include the government regulations, paradigms and emerging institutions, movement of the global citizens and finally bringing change in the dominant values. The author has suggested some remedies on the premise of health care management so that the particular field can become more focused and holistic about the well-being of the soul and body as an incorporated system. Beder has pointed out some significant changes that must be implemented through research and development. As per Beders findings, the generic manipulation of animals, plants and humans came to the activities of international standards control. The international standards must monitor the research and development of satellites and technologies of bio-information closely (Carroll, 2017). Appropriate decision making on the development of technologies can assure the utmost contribution of technology for a sustainable world. Research Gap After studying and preparing the literature review, some research gaps and future scopes have been found in this context. A notable step would be taken which is relevant to non-climate policies affecting greenhouse gas emission including finance, trade, urban and rural development, energy, water, agriculture, health, transportation, insurance and forestry among others. Future research in this field also requires utilising and accessing the local knowledge. More review and research in the particular premise will help in illustrating the connection between sustainable development and climate alleviation in developing, developed and transition countries (Morse and McNamara, 2013). A significant challenge in this context will be modifying the related policies that will be environment specific. Significant research will work at the time when it gets structured within national and local realities. Future research in sustainable development will continue to recognise the pathway through which implications of the climate change alleviation can be identified. The future review of the topic must give emphasise on multiple divisions, scales and actors (Narayanan, 2016). The future decisions must be taken very carefully by the industrialised countries on the premise of their choice and development for the purpose of promoting sustainable development of environment along with sustainable growth. Conclusion In the conclusion of the literature review, the exact focus study can be mentioned as proper maintenance of environmental sustainability to promote sustainable growth. For the purpose of fulfilling the needs and requirements of services and resources for the future and current generation, sacrificing the health and balance of the ecosystem is not necessary. Sustainability has occurred on different levels such as local, regional and global. At a national level what is sustainable may not be sustainable at regional level. By Searching the causality between economic, social and environmental dimensions will assure proper maintenance of environmental sustainability and sustainable growth. Sustainability is recognised as a principle that is entirely relevant and applicable to the system. Conclusively, the large premise of sustainability is an emerging aspect which consists of different areas and framework of the whole biological system. References Blohmke, J. (2014). Technology complexity, technology transfer mechanisms and sustainable development.Energy for Sustainable Development, 23, pp.237-246. Borole, A. (2015). Sustainable and Efficient Pathways for Bioenergy Recovery from Low-Value Process Streams via Bioelectrochemical Systems in Biorefineries.Sustainability, 7(9), pp.11713-11726. Carmona, M. (2009). Sustainable urban design: principles to practice.International Journal of Sustainable Development, 12(1), p.48. Carroll, J. (2017).The Victorians taught children about consumerism and we can learn from them too. [online] The Conversation. Available at: [Accessed Apr. 2017]. Jacques, P. (2015).Sustainability. 1st ed. New York: Routledge. Landrum, N. (2017).US business schools failing on climate change. [online] The Conversation. Available at: [Accessed Apr. 2017]. Menon, D. (2014). A lesson on sustainable living.BMJ, 328(7439), pp.567-567. Morelli, J. (2011). Environmental Sustainability: A Definition for Environmental Professionals.Journal of Environmental Sustainability, 1(1), pp.1-10. Morse, S. and McNamara, N. (2013).Sustainable livelihood approach. 1st ed. Dordrecht: Springer. Narayanan, Y. (2016). Religion, Sustainable Development and Policy: Principles to Practice.Sustainable Development, 24(3), pp.149-153. Quinn, T. (2015).Sustainability it's the world boom that Australia could lead. [online] The Sydney Morning Herald. Available at: [Accessed Apr. 2017]. Robertson, M. (2017).Sustainability Principles and Practice. 1st ed. Florence: Taylor and Francis.

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